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Product Details
Product Details
Wastewater Treatment Project of Donghui Plated House on the 1st and 2nd Floor of Avocado No. 2 Plant The first fading room on the 1st and 2nd floors of Liansi Technology Co., Ltd. (Changsha) Co., Ltd. has a waste gas in the production process. It emits pungent exhaust gas during the production process, and the exhaust gas is directly discharged through the exhaust fan. The cloth is in the factory area, which brings certain harm to the environment and employees' daily life and health. According to the relevant information provided by the owner and the relevant national environmental protection standards and regulations, the company provides design solutions for the exhaust gas treatment system of the East fading house on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Lianshi Second Plant of Changsi Co., Ltd. Main pollutants - Acid waste gas generated during the production of fading rooms. Flow chart Drawing paper: |